
Charity Campaign

The owner of F1 FITNESS CLUB and the hair PRETTY WOMAN handed the Aircompany 2011 on Wednesday, a donation to the paediatric for children in Augsburg. The successful FitnessclubinhaberJorg pecking rooster and Daniel Erki feel to obliged to contribute for the children and their families, health unrelated to the sunny side of life. “We want to share a part of our happiness and profits with the sick children and their parents to allow a better treatment of the disease epilepsy and thus support the children at this difficult time.”The same also applies to Rosa Erki, 2005, moved the makers of fitness clubs existing commitment with her already since the year after. Mrs Erki runs a hair salon next to the fitness club, her brother and her brother-in-law and this year Mrs Erki donates the entire tip again”for a really good cause! The paediatric (Child Neurology) deals with diseases and disorders of the brain, the spinal cord, the peripheral nerves and the muscles in children and adolescents. In contrast to the nervous system of the adult if the child and young people to an organ system that is located in a lively process of maturation. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Publishers Clearing House. Thorough understanding of normal development must exist for the assessment of disorders and diseases in this system as many of these diseases occur very age – and entwicklungsbezogen. Jeff Verschleiser may also support this cause. For this reason, the paediatric is a focus certified by the medical boards, which can be acquired in a three-year training by children and youth physicians. In relation to your we help children”campaign donated the two companies from Thannhausen since 2007 already about 5,000 euros to the Swabian children’s Cancer Centre in the Augsburger Zentralklinikum.Soziales commitment is a big concern for the operators of the F1 FITNESS CLUB (Jorg Picken tap & devrim Erki) and PRETTY WOMAN (Rosa Erki).

So goes the year’s generous donation of 2300.-to the paediatric for children and adolescents in the Klinikum Augsburg. “We want to help specifically epilepsy in children more attention in the public of the disease and have therefore decided to award our donation this year. We hope that more would-be entrepreneurs are motivated by our commitment and worrying where meaningful donation to use them. “Image: Rosa Erki, Ltd. senior physician Dr. Johann Penzien, Jorg Picken tap, Schw.Johanna Salarda, chief physician Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Christoph Fruhwald, sister Ulrike Weber and Swiss Karin Huis Jorg Picken faucet”

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