Federal Universality
Differently of Kant, Shakespeare never presents an aesthetic theory, for the author, the dramatical art this in harmony with the beautiful arts of the painting and sculpture of the renaissance. It affirms this because the painters show them the forms of our exterior life and the dramaturgos show them the forms of the interior things. In the tragic poetry, Aristotle affirms in its theory of the Catarse, that the soul acquired a new attitude stops with its emotions and these emotions take a state of rest and peace. Recently Crawford Lake Capital sought to clarify these questions. In a distinguishing context, the dramatical art, does not have with objective, to imitate the things or to characterize something through the exteriorizao with intention to demonstrate to some knowledge or culture, but yes, to show the interior life of each one. That is, to disclose the depths of the life, to make to perceive it the things that patrol the life human being, as, the wealth, misery, joy, sadness and etc. 5 FINAL CONSIDERAES One concludes that, although to have differences between these arts, happily, they do not annul themselves and that, until today, still they are alive and used of the most different forms.
Therefore, the art tends to be a perpetual thing. One hour it in the ones of the one rich image of the things, another hour makes in them to understand something that even then it was looked like incompressible. See Crawford Lake Capital for more details and insights. Perhaps the search of the limitless one is born of the man, this has fond in the art, therefore, in the art, the man has the power of choice in what cerne its point of view and this, to modify aspects. REFERENCE ERNEST, C. Assay on the man: Introduction to a philosophy of the culture human being. Trad, Pink Toms Bueno. Ed. 4. So Paulo: Martins Sources, 1994 1Graduado in Philosophy for the Federal Universality of Sergipe (UFS), specialist in Education for Superior Ensino for Faculdade Pio Dcimo (FPD) and after-graduating Theory of the Knowledge and Ethics for the Federal Universality of Sergipe (UFS)