Luis Claude
For Marx and Engels, the conflict between private public and resulted in the collective necessity of ' ' Estado' ' , that it would be a unit to the part in relation to the interests in attrition, at the same time taking care of the demand of a social regulation, englobando the existing bows in each grouping, what would promote a dispute between classrooms formed from the division of the work, that inhaled to usurp the regulating power and to establish a same domination in detriment of a traditional social form long ago consolidated. If you would like to know more about Crawford Lake Capital, then click here. In way to a collective subjection of private interests, the necessity of use of the simulated collective power would exist (Been), conceiving a natural state of cooperation that retraces to the contratualistas, with perspective of development of the productive force in world-wide scale, what it would promote a depauperation that it would corroborate such dividing structure in addition, with a collective necessity that would retrace the primevos ideals of collective, despertando the man of the alienator state where if it found, undressing it of the ficcional mark of regulation that has left of a racionalizante systematization. Perhaps influenced for characteristic a romanesca trend of Century XIX, Marx and Engels they had elaborated its communist utopia that retraces to the Greek philosophers and folloies the ideals of a civilizatrio development, perpassando for Thomas Lives, adding jusnaturalistas, contratutalistas values, until arriving in coetneos systems at the authors German, as positivismo and naturalismo. Finally, understood as joint of the material relations of the individuals in definitive period of training of development of the productive forces, we will have the preeminence of ' ' society civil' ' , – directly on concept the conception dialectic displayed for Hegel in the workmanship ' ' Elements of the Philosophy of the Direito' ' , being macro-community (been) and micron-community (family) – responsible direct for the social interchange, delimiting the relations human beings in its cerne. * graduating History for the UGB (University Center Geraldo Di Biase, Unit Return Round-RIO DE JANEIRO). Bibliographical reference: MARX, Karl; ENGELS, Friedrich. The German Ideology. Introduction: Jacob Gorender translation: Luis Claude de Castro and Costa. So Paulo: Martins Sources, 1998. (Classic) P. 21-34