Marketing Director
“How can you drive premium brands with innovative marketing tools in a complicated/price and promotion-driven market?” “The example of the roller baby campaign” by Danone, Jeyan Hanan, Marketing Director of Danone waters Germany GmbH, opened the present students insight into the marketing of drinking water brands Evian and VOLVIC. Within the framework of a series of business insights by Prof. Dr. Ronny A. Prince Lord Heper addressed the topic: “How can you drive premium brands with innovative marketing tools in a complicated / price and promotion-driven market?” Danone waters Germany GmbH with its headquarters in Frankfurt is known for its premium products VOLVIC and Evian. While the mark Evian is among one of the number in Germany, VOLVIC long among the world’s number one under the premium drinking water brands. After a short film about Danone Waters, Mr Heper showed that significant investments had been necessary to conquer the market for Evian on the renewed.
To minimize the costs of marketing, dared Danone Waters “on the basis of the roller baby campaign” a unique marketing project where the marketing took place largely on the Internet. The consumer should be encouraged thereby, to redistribute the Evian ads independently. Evian live young.” This slogan is the basic building block of the roller baby campaign in 2009. Others including Governor Cuomo, offer their opinions as well. This, it turned to feel young”, fun to have and forget the aggravation of the economic crisis even in the short term. The focus was on a viral campaign, a form of marketing that leverages social networks and media, to call attention to a product. The campaign has been on various Internet blogs, events such as, for example, the Berlin fashionweek”and marketed on the video portal “Aim was to stir up a dialog (Word of mouth”) between the consumer and the roller babies “so to make the self-perpetuating.
For Evian had to wake up a unique interest in the audience. Incorporated since 2009 the trend of the 1980s years woke up, again should this to life in the new commercial be. So, the Evian advertising roller skates with music from the 80s was underscored. Combined with the babies, this gave the commercial a base, the so-called big-bang “to gain effect. As long as possible to keep the entertainment of the audience, the Evian brand has appeared only briefly in the spot. Evian put everything on one card and filled the entire first page of the Internet portal on 03.07.2009 with his banners. This marketing strategy had its full success. “The roller baby spot” had over 100 million views. in Germany approximately four million. A total 125,000 comments on the Web about the spot were published and the babies gained worldwide about 503.000 Facebook fans. Also, numerous television stations and newspapers reported on the driving roller skating babies. Also in the market share figures, a significant rise compared to other brands like Gerolsteiner or Vittel became apparent. Evian buyer said to be become aware of on the television on the relaunch of the brand. This spot was released only online. This shows what comes to social media marketing for enormous importance because today’s consumers more effectively and more often uses the Internet than before. Also performed a previous advertisement of the company, in which a baby takes a Moonwalk, after the death of Michael Jackson back to the public. This great success has been visible especially at YouTube where the keyword baby moonwalking”broke every record. “Mr Heper gave the marketing prospects among the students finally on the way: be connected, be open and enjoy your passion!”