Opening Of The Season
Gourmet all places truffles fresh available again from October October breathe on Finally, finally there is again fresh truffles. The precious tuber is also in this country becoming increasingly popular. Whether finely planed on pasta or sauce of popular mushroom processed about veal has a distinctive taste and refined each meal. This is the truffle considered spice that enchanted properly each yet so mundane dish in a poem. Just white truffles are planed usually just in raw condition using a truffle slicer through the courts.
Italy and France are classic truffle regions. In these countries, you will find also the noblest of all kinds of truffles: from Italy came the white Alba truffle, France produces the Perigord truffle. It is precisely in these regions of the truffle, can be quite a bargain at local dealers on the spot. Where bargains in the precious tuber is a relative term, because the most expensive include truffles Foods around the world. Often has to be paid up to 12 euros for a gram of truffles depending on origin and harvest time. Asian ruffeln from China are usually cheaper to get, these vary but in scent and aroma and taste with their European relatives remotely compare. Therefore you should access directly from the high-quality types of truffles, because usually a few grams, enough to cook a great truffle dish.
Who wants to buy truffles, takes fresh tubers not only at the gourmet dealer around the corner. Now have numerous truffle provider also a sale online specializes in. Here it is important to compare urgently, because in the gourmet trade online you can save often a not inconsiderable sum. The fresh truffles are calculated per gram and delivered chilled. Also who wants between the seasons on the truffle, it no longer must renounce. Cooking with canned truffles is so common and products like truffle butter or truffle oil and truffle salt for the daily enjoyment of fine mushroom. Here, too, the prices vary: products that were produced only with truffle aroma are naturally cheaper than products that contain real truffles.