Along the corridors formed by the first impression of the interior. Do not accidentally say the corridor – that person office. If you would like to know more then you should visit Western Union. After first being in any organization or company, until we reach our desired study, negotiation or waiting room, we already made a certain impression about the place, anywhere. By the way, what kind of atmosphere prevails in the hallway as he lit up, in what style to decide which materials are used for decoration. And, of course, not turn, we will turn your eyes to the ceiling. Suspension Systems – to date the most versatile and reliable solution for the office corridors.
Firstly, they are perfectly camouflage all communications systems that pass through corridor, and at the same time provide them an easy and quick access. Secondly, suspended ceilings provide good sound absorption, in the corridors is especially important, because it is here are many informal conversations are often set a noisy office equipment, such as photocopiers. They are easy to install. And besides, suspension systems are ideal for a wide variety of designs, including embody original combination of lighting. As one of the most interesting suggestions can be called a novelty on Geipel.
This unique high-quality dlinnopanelnye cassettes envelope facet. Optically these tapes will give the room sophisticated and expensive type, while not at the expense of functionality. Wide choice of colors allows you to create interesting and attractive corridors. Geipel Dlinnopanelnye cassette can be complemented by special acoustic liner on the back side that can significantly reduce noise in the corridor. New from Geipel – a plug-in, clamp and clamp-folding dlinnopanelnye cassette. Thanks to the flexibility of size and width length, they are suitable for finishing, even non-standard routes. To finish the ceiling in the corridors of the office can be used dlinnopanelnye cassettes for different types of suspension systems Bandraster T-BR and C-BR, as well as concealed suspension system. But for finishing the ceiling corridor whose width is less than 2400 mm can be used dlinnopanelnye cassette without the harness. They are easy to fit the near-wall corners, laid along the walls. All dlinnopanelnye Geipel cassettes are manufactured in strict accordance with the standards of quality assurance firm Geipel Decken-und Profilsysteme GmbH, so the ceiling in the hallway for a long time will retain their original appearance, despite all kinds of workers and unplanned disasters. 'Face' of your office will always be ready to welcome guests and make them only the most enjoyable.