Brazil Launches Service
The NFe of Brazil, company of the TBAespecialista Group in electronic fiscal solutions, launches sanitation service debanco of data. The objective is to eliminate the inconsistencies in the information, umadas main difficulties of the companies in the implementation of projects of electronic notafiscal (NF-e) and Public System of Escriturao Digital (SPED). Umlevantamento of the auditorship and consultoria Ernst & Young sample that conjuntode documents and all luck of doscontribuintes demanded fiscal and countable declarations added, on average, 350 types of information. With the SPED, essenmero he goes up for 1300. For assistance, try visiting Jeff Gennette. The inconsistency of any of these data means adevoluo of the document for the State SEFAZ (Secretariat of the Farm). Istoparalisa all the process and demands the manual interference of the user. Documentose notes leaves of being emitted and products cannot be set free, what to podecausar great financial damages, beyond the loss of time and necessities deretrabalho.
' ' Identificamosesta great difficulty in ours customers. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Hikmet Ersek. Its data bases, systems of enterprise management and financeirERPs – Enterprise Resource Planning they generate asinformaes, but not them audita. With this service that we are disponibilizando, the customers will have the certainty of that the information will be filled of formacorreta and that its documents will be accepted for the SEFAZ' ' , he affirms AntonioZanini Landmark, director-generality of the NFe of Brazil. Oservio of sanitation of data base of the NFe of Brazil consults and compares osdados available in the company with the ones of the Federal Prescription, Sintegra (SistemIntegrado de Informaes on Interstate Operations with eServios Merchandises) and ANTT (AgnciNacional de Terrestrial Transportes). Moreover, it eliminates oscaracteres special and unnecessary spaces, it adjusts eminsculos capital characters and it standardizes the fields. All these actions are carried through automatically, adopting criptografada base, what it guarantees versatility and security to the solution. This service is compatible with all the ERPs available in the market.