Carlos Guzman Bockler
The mere fact of asking respect its identity, and even more: access to land or minimum service of modern societies (public health, quality public education, other services that brought about the development of the capitalist technology as more comfortable homes, drinking water, communications, etc.) has transformed them into another collective rather than without being the urban industrial proletariat that lifted classical socialism, also is a factor of protest no less, with a great convening and mobilizing power. For sample: quantity of Presidents that their struggles have helped depose in recent years (in Bolivia, Ecuador), creating frankly pre-revolutionary situations. The traditional lefts in Latin America in general inspired by Europeanizing worldviews of Orthodox Marxism, unless alternative Sparks as Jose Mariategui in Peru or Carlos Guzman Bockler in Guatemala, who have proposed new interpretations of the indigenous issue, always as a Marxist, but understanding the phenomenon of otherwise have had many reticence to accept theoretically and practically the fact of indigenous political mobilization as a separate entity, and in fact his actions politician always has set to integrate indigenous movements in the logic of peasant struggle. As clearly expresses the Guatemalan thinker Guzman Bockler, in the Latin American left for years waited proletarianization Stalinist thinkers of the Orthodox leftist required to clean the road that would lead to the revolution. The indigenous problem was for the left to a very large extent just that: a problem. It didn’t fit in the theory, it was an obstacle to the proletarian revolution. But while it is true that the left-wing maintained an interpretation which subsumed the ethnic groups within the peasantry category, true change towards a more positive assessment with regard to the claims of indigenous peoples by some intellectuals and political organizations can be seen in recent years. Although it is true that indigenous peoples in its greatest extent are peasants, specific points that, beyond the uniformante globalization that expands on the planet, gives them an own profile as a collective they keep in their claims.