Democracy Processes
In the Peru raises new approaches to inclusion from the perspective of the decision makers, where Amazonian peoples were not involved the design of new policies, such as structural changes of State, design new standards, the promotion of investments such as industries, and infrastructure (IIRSA) projects much of these initiatives have affected directly the lives of indigenous peoplesexcluding the social and environmental impacts. On the other hand sedentary and Assistential social programs promoted by the Government does not solve fundamental problems, by entity is has low indices on educational quality, growing malnutrition, illiteracy, among others, boxes as institutionalized corruption puts citizenship in marginalization and abandonment; reality that has jeopardized fundamental rights and a weakened democracy. Scarce efforts like the spaces of dialogues with indigenous peoples have gestated a long festive social struggle, in principle for the recognition of territoriality, cultural expression, and the rights of historical belonging, these initiatives have a nexus of the past and continuity that goes inside the demand human rights, right environment, right to the Habitat and right to participation and to the basic service. The emergence of the indigenous movement of the Amazonian people (MIAP) is a collective interest sample born from the foundations and this is growing, that is sitting precedents for the restoration of democracy in the country, the Peru is Plurietnico and multi-language, much of the native populations are established in the Amazon rain forest, with a Republic that it does not address the diversity of expression and worldview in the in the development processes, rules, laws, projects and programs are generated as a result of this connotation that the Fund rather than consolidate the citizen identity breaks down social structures and generates reactionary actions, such as recent developments (case Bagua) generated by the improvisation of processes and imposition of rules affecting the indigenous peoples of amazonia. Indigenous organizations have expressed interest in dialogue; but external interests make the spaces of dialogue will be subdued in the proposals made; for this is born a new action to establish public spaces for the indigenous people themselves, akin in design and advertising, processes where East immersed the collective interest that together have been advocating through its long history of existence, and this necessarily has to go through democratic processes and within regulatory levels of State project seeks to fill this gap in organizational support and strengthening local capacitiesto consolidate a Government plan that serve as tools to assist the next democratic processes properly exercised by indigenous peoples in jurisdictions where most live indigenous citizens. This is crucially necessary and innovative in the context of the Peruvian Amazon historically excluded within s of the processes of inclusion, articulation and exercise of Government, to be able to respond to new realities that touches them face as peoples and as a citizen by external pressures as forest concessions, extractive industries, where there is the need to stimulate new organisational processes oriented to strengthen democracy towards a participatory context in the political, social and economic promoted locally, with a proposal that allows them to explore approaches and alternatives in governanceterritoriality, conservation and sustainable development. Original author and source of the article