Design Patterns
Figure 2.1 Two View acting in one exactly model, Model: a=100, b=90, c=80. Controller: already we describe of view and of the model, but, we have to agree that everything this if would become one baguna if somebody had to paraorganizar this architecture, a controller functions of acamada intermediary between of business-oriented presentation and the layer, its function as already it says to controlar to co-ordinate the sending of solicitations made between the vision and the model. Ocontroller defines the behavior of the application, the control is who interprets assolicitaes (clicks, elections of menus) made by users with nestesrequerimentos bases the controller is communicated with the model that selects view eatualiza it for the user, that is, the controller controls and mapeia the actions. Although the MVC only contain three layers have another camadafundamental for the good course of the architecture, this is a eventosnecessrio mechanism the communication among others three elements, this element allows to asynchronous umacomunicao that is invoked when some event interessanteacontece, this fourth layer contains beans of entity where get and set of the classrooms selocalizam the methods. 5.
Design Patterns applied in architecture MVC architecture MVC uses standards of suascamadas projects in now analyzes the architecture with patterns. The MVC use other standards of project, such as FactoryMethod, to specify for lack (by default) the classroom controller for umavista and Decarator, to add clod roller capacity (scrolling) the umavista. More the main relationships of the MVC are supplied padresObserver by them, Composite, Strategy. Get more background information with materials from Hikmet Ersek. (GAMMA et al. , 2000, P. 22) designs patterns in the aid to explain architecture MVC, and with them we can perceive that for conjuntode brings of the MVC can contain one standards working together in one same structure. We approach ospatterns Observer and Strategy now that are mannering standards and the structural Compositepadro, the objective to approach patterns is for facilitating acompreenso of as architecture MVC works, knowing that one is padrode architectural that designers and desenvolvedores confuse.