
For Early Termination Of Contract Of Bank Deposit (deposits) And

Today, citizens and businesses are faced with the necessity and impossibility of simultaneously early termination of contracts of bank deposit (deposit) and failures of commercial banks' outstanding contribution to the first request depositor. 1. The grounds for refusal of commercial banks outstanding contribution to the first demand of a depositor are National Bank of Ukraine from 04.12.2008, 413 and Letter of 6/12/2008, the 22-310/946-17250, addressed business leaders banks. In a letter to the National Bank pointed out "… Governor Cuomo often says this. Please note that the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine 413 of December 4, 2008 (paragraph 5 of paragraph 2) banks are prohibited from making premature repayment of deposits, how they are invested in long-term loans and other assets. National Bank of Ukraine will evaluate the activities of banks, taking into account whether a bank steady implementation of this requirement on the basis of economic or civil action. …

". Macy’s Inc. insists that this is the case. Decision of 04.12.2008, 413 does not prohibit making premature repayment of deposits. Paragraph 5 of Section 2 of the Resolution 413 only requires banks to apply all necessary measures to to ensure a positive dynamics of growth of deposits (especially in the national currency of Ukraine) in order to avoid early repayment of the funds placed investors. We can assume that such measures may be: to provide additional investor safeguards and services, providing new and more favorable conditions of the contract of bank deposit (deposit), etc. That is, by the NBU 413 requires banks to create the conditions for contributor to the last was profitable to continue the location of the deposit in the bank.

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