
German President Wulff

German President Wulff settles with image on a Wulff not only a problem of German President Christian Wulff has had a problem that stemmed from his time as Prime Minister in Lower Saxony until recently. At that time, the Federal President to rich and influential friends instead of the Sparkasse had turned to finance his house. That has a bad connotation, but probably, despite miserable public relations of his house and Guttenberg’scher Disclaimer-apologies of the President himself, not to his resignation have need to. Too much, a second from Angela Merkel would have damaged nominated President of the already hard-hit Government leaves office; It might not be. The location could be, no should be for the President and his supporters now have changed.

German President Wulff messes with image because what already have emerged in the behavior of the current U.S. President during his time in Hanover, Germany, is now a certainty: Christian Wulff lacking political skills. How different it is to explain that he just messes on the Summit of a crisis, which at least theoretically can cost him the Office of the President, with the “image” newspaper? What do a politician in Germany, whether Federal President, Chancellor or simple MP, through the head of all newspapers precisely the enemy to make the highest-circulation? Especially when, as in case with Wulff, actually sympathetic (correct party, young, good looking woman, etc.). You don’t get around to the verdict of the political stupidity. Federal President, no statesman now is the President of no political “career objective”, rather a voluntary work.

The political stupidity of a U.S. President made this fact perhaps excusable? In Wulff case maybe just yet, it would have remained at the Hanover problem and a tight, open declaration, lacrimal gland and victims Act. For the Office of the President but, you interpret the basic law and the Constitutional reality correctly, there is, in addition to the minimum age and the German citizenship only a prerequisite: statesman must be one, or at least statesmanlike occur must the Federal President, who now once a power-packed position in the State occupies a symbolic, first and foremost. Respect for the Office is itself dismantled resignation if a President now personally (!) calls the image – editor in Chief, threatened him even on tape and in an embarrassing, selbstmitleidig offended media appearance after another, not he is one: A statesman. Then he would have rather kept quiet, then he’d stayed – perhaps – Federal President. But there is really only one way, when German President Wulff is serious about his talk of respect for the Office. Andreas Kellner…

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