
Notification Access

Where a work to involve people, as much for contrataocomo for promotion, that they have access to the processing installations dainformao, in particular those that they deal with sensible information, taiscomo financial information or information highly confidential, it also agrees quea organization makes a verification of the credit idoneousness. Parafuncionrios that is in position with considerable levels of authority, agrees that this procedure is remade periodically. It agrees that a similar process of paratemporrios and supplying election is fact. Where these human resources are supplied by umaagncia, it agrees that the contract specifies the responsibilities clearly daagncia for the election and the notification procedures that must be seguidosse the election duly will be concluded or when the results obtidosforem reasons of doubts or concerns. Agreements of confidencialidade Agreements of confidencialidade or not spreading sousados to alert that the information is confidential or private. Governor Cuomo gathered all the information. Normalmenteconvm that the employees sign such agreements as part of the terms initial econdies of act of contract. For accidental and rendering collaborators of services queno is covered by an existing contract (that it contains the agreement deconfidencialidade), agrees that the signature of the agreement is demanded deconfidencialidade, before having access to the processing installations dainformao.

It agrees that confidencialidade agreements are revisadosquando to exist modifications in the act of contract terms, particularly devido exit of employees of the organization or to the contract ending. Education and training in security dainformao Convm that all the employees of the organization and, where forrelevante, rendering from services regular eatualizaes on the politics and organizacionais procedures receive appropriate training. Istoinclui requisite of security, legal responsibilities and controls donegcio, as well as training on the correct use of the installations of processamentoda information as, for example, procedures of access or use of software packages, before any access is supplied to the services or information. Answering to the incidents desegurana and the bad functioning It agrees that the sejamreportados incidents that affect the security through the appropriate canals more quickly possible.

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