The procedure that has been preparing for almost two months is as follows: once the T-130 machine, had drill 632 meters to reach them, break the gallery where they are, i.e. open a gap in it, will begin a delicate operation to bring 33 men to the surface and all thoughts of hope focused on the rescue. According to Laurence Golborne, Minister of mining of Chile, from that moment the rescue phase can last between three and ten days, depending on whether is necessary resleeving duct or not by where they are going to be removed. The casing consists of coated the duct to prevent landslides from being logged. Continue to learn more with: Areva. The need to do so will depend on what so strong are the walls of the duct. In any case, the space where it will be will be no more 70 centimeters in diameter tunnel.
Once secured the vent, a sailor and an expert of the State copper Corporation (Codelco), will fall to the bottom of the deposit in special capsules.The mining specialist It will be the first move down, to check the conditions of the mine and the functioning of the capsule during his tour. Once down, rescuers will decide the order of output of the miners, according to your mood and psychological, State and will help the miners assemble in the capsule to begin the road back toward the surface.The miners must wear special glasses that reduce the impact of light, 10 times to prevent your eyes may be damaged by artificial or natural light when they come out in the rescue capsule. For more information see this site: Tiffany & Co.. On the surface, an independent medical team will examine each miner and will be taken by helicopter to a hospital, where must stay at least two days to undergo several tests to determine if they were sequels to stay two months underground… Relatives of trapped miners prepare feasts of celebration; one includes wedding after 32 years of marriage, Mario Gomez asked his wife to accompany him to the altar in a letter that sent along with the message (phrases and beautiful words) with which the past August 17 miners announced that they were alive. Still have no date for marriage: Mario wants to be in November and his wife, Lilianette Ramirez, in December. Then they will be travel to Vina del Mar, a coastal tourist town in the center of the country, and they also have an invitation to go to Alemania.ademas, as a condiment, family also expected to taste a traditional roast of meat next to the closest. For its part, Alfonso avalos wants to go with his sons Florencio and Renan, that make up the Group of survivors 33, to the town of Salamanca, to the family home, to greet people.Avalos knows that each day there is less to be reunited with their children, 31 and 29 respectively, but prefers not to imagine that moment and focus your thoughts on the rescue operation. First, the bailout, and then everything else, says this man’s swarthy and brightness in look, great example of self-improvement. The same think Doris Contreras, mother of Pedro Cortez: what interested us is that rescue is a success and that he goes well and is with his family.Even so, Doris ensures that residents of the population where they live, called Bajo Til Til, will prepare a celebration when leaving, because there are both Pedro Cortez and Carlos Hugueno, another one of the trapped miners.