
Reflexes Insertion

Unochapec robertovm@ unochapeco.edu.br Summary: This work tells the experience in one atividadeque disciplines composes it called Practical of Comment II, of terceiroperodo of the Course of Psychology of the Regional Communitarian University of Chapec- Unochapec. is about the project InterdisciplinaresMultiprofissionais Experiences CAME, where groups of academics of different courses darea of the health (Physical Education, Nursing, Pharmacy, Fisioterapia, Medicine, Nutrition, Psychology and Social Service), objectified the contact with the nicode System Health – SUS, using themselves of the comment of daily of the equipment desade of basic attention and its social context. It is intended to clarify questescomo the public politics of> health and the perception that the users have about doSUS and of its rights, what it contributes so that the students if reconheamcomo future professionals of the health in a multiprofessional perspective to einterdisciplinar and perceive the differences gifts between the laws and modoscomo they are placed in practical. Word-key: basic attention, interdisciplinaridade, multiprofissionalidade, psychologist in the SUS, public politics. Vises and reflections: insertion of academics Of Psychology in the public health In the construction of the knowledge, that involved the Instituiodo Only System of Sade (SUS), which was ecomprobatrio investigatrio scene of the reality, we sensetize ourselves to understand it and to understand improvements conditions of the health professionals, becoming us members of a equipemultiprofissional with performance to interdisciplinar in interpersonal set, thinking about the possibilities that the interdisciplinaridade in them will make possible nasarticulaes knowing of them, in the course CSF (doctors, nurses, nurse aid, and the agentescomunitrias of health) and with the users, who also of formasemi-were structuralized, however more focused. Also including colloquies professional and using informaiscom, making possible the attainment of more knowledge registered queesto in the Daily scripts of interviews and of Field. The attainment of the data of this research in the ones of today oportunidadede to make a releitura of the texts referenciais and read during the semester, understanding better studied the theoretical and practical basements, of umentendimento of done and read documents from> articles and leisreferentes to the SUS. .

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