Russian State Social University
As we know, no one institution can not do without their own libraries. "A collection of books – the same university," – said a famous English writer and philosopher of the XIX century, Thomas Carlyle, and was absolutely right. Scientific literature helps to master the skill, works of art are taught the wisdom of life, and journalism – the art to express their thoughts on paper and speak beautifully. Enrolled in the Russian State Social University, students are not just written in a comfortable, modern library, and access to Information and Library Center (IBTS), a major university. At all study sites RSSU work rooms and subscription service specialized reading rooms.
In order to obtain textbooks, books, or work out in the reading room is not necessary to go to the other end of Moscow – IBTS at hand, in each faculty. But if you have a tendency, for example, to study foreign literature, be sure to sign up to the French library. Here, a unique collection of educational and fiction literature, movies in foreign languages. Students have a great opportunity enjoy the atmosphere of France, to feel the beauty of language, to get acquainted with the works of French writers, poets and artists, the works of photographers. In the study of humanities great help serve as a foundation Academic Reading Room, where the focus of the largest collections of books of our scientists (St.
Wilhelm Pieck, 4). Go to Hikmet Ersek for more information. Find the book in the library collection will e-catalog, through which the search is conducted source of information in databases IBTS. To do this, simply click the word "library" on the University website and collect book title or author name in the "electronic catalog". If you encounter difficulties, you can directly to ask questions or get a bibliographer and 10 bibliographic entries on the problem posed in a mode online. Suppose you are a student and the teacher got from a long list of books, found them on the site electronic catalog, and came to IBTS. A natural question arises: how many books you can take and for how long? Textbooks are issued for a semester, but usually this is not enough. With a serious approach to study the subject without relevant literature is necessary. In this situation, we recommend to look into the specialized reading rooms and the Academic Reading Room. Here you can take advantage of additional literature and periodic publications on the topic of interest to you. And finally, art books can be taken in not more than three copies in two weeks. Electronic library of social RSSU can rightly be called the library of the future: textbooks and manuals, articles and monographs, theses and abstracts are included in the e-catalog, and read them while sitting at the computer. In order to develop skills and competencies of information culture, as well as work with electronic books for students of library staff developed a course "Foundations of Culture IBTS users." In addition to using its resources, RSCU subscribes to electronic journals cycles on the main disciplines, electronic theses of the Russian State Library. VI Lenin. Also, students of our university have access to electronic resources of the University Information System (MIS Russia) and Electronic library of educational and scientific publications (IQ LIB). This is a very powerful resources, because here you can find the latest statistics and the latest scientific work. Currently, the library began RSCU modernization of the service users, which in the near future we plan to transform into a powerful, more technologically new data center. After all, there is always something to strive for.