Stock Brandy
Grape brandy is considered a classic and has no special markings on the label. If the drink was made from some fruit, you will find the appropriate label, such as apple brandy. However, manufacturers have come up with another way to get wine – from grape marc. Learning how to extrude Grapes, humanity has found the use of even the skin and seeds. The French began to distill them with distilling apparatus, and the product name "brands." France marks are regulated alcohol beverages that meet certain requirements.
They can only be made in certain areas and are called by the name of the region where they produce, or the well-known vineyard. Today, brands are made in many countries, it produces virtually all of the creators of sherry and port wine, and kept in these barrels. Even appeared a term such as "sherry brandy" Despite what looks to determine the quality of such drinks difficult, very often they compete with cognac and Armagnac, the only difference in price and place of origin. Regardless of the raw materials, all brands can be: strong (with alcohol content of 80-90%) which are used for making fortified wines, grappa (70-80% alcohol), which must be diluted before drinking water, and regular brandy (with a share of 57-75% alcohol). It is the latter type and is usually called a drink of brandy, which we see in the market. It is worth mentioning the most well-known brands of the drink.
In Italy, the benchmark brands are the firm Bouton and Stock 84 (a strange name of the company received from the creator – Lionello Stock, who in 1984 built the distillery in the Mediterranean). In Greece, much appreciated Trademark Metaxa, on the basis of mixed alcohols, grapes and caramel. It is not something Charles Schwab would like to discuss. Spaniards are proud of beverages from Ribero and Ferreira, who are aged in barrels from the Port. It must be noted that any brandy drunk at , ie after a meal. It is believed that the most successful completion of a feast – a glass of brandy or cognac, accompanied by a cigar. Not for nothing so check out lunches and dinners British lords, they knew that any meal with digestive leaves a pleasant sensation.