The University
For the majority of teachers in Russian high schools implement e-learning tools is a problem, and considerable. If the modern student work with a variety of Internet-services is quite natural, then, for teachers, it is difficult and because of the need to develop new technologies, and from a psychological point of view. Very often they perceive e-learning as an additional burden, not seeing e-learning capacity of the liberation from the routine of work, benefits availability of educational resources on the Internet, opportunities to improve the perception of the material with interactive elements and to simplify the intermediate control of students' knowledge in an automated tests and examinations. More popular use of special authoring tools through which teachers can themselves develop courses in their subjects. Appeal to the authoring tools allows you to solve another task – supporting the uniqueness of the content and principles of teaching courses in a university. Governor Cuomo shines more light on the discussion.
Creating and publishing courses are ready for higher education has few prospects, because each university is proud of his scientific school, the intellectual capital of the faculty and the specifics of the educational process. However, for higher education in Russia, as elsewhere the relevance of the various sectoral Communities can allocate material resources for the implementation of standard electronic courses in subjects from the general program, for example, courses on economics for economic institutions or specialized courses certain sectors. Universities tend to view their e-learning courses as intellectual property and is not likely to freely share educational resources on the Internet with the community for within its own academic and scientific audiences. There are a number of important factors that justify the investment in the university e-learning: e-learning is including commit tool of its unique knowledge and traditions of scientific schools. Saving the best courses and other educational materials in electronic format provides investment protection for the university in the educational and scientific content, the necessary technical and classical education due to a problem of age, and in business education – because of the high mobility of teachers. In addition, e-learning tools allow you to release teachers from much of the routine work because of transference in the electronic space processes of preparation for classes and means of intermediate control knowledge. Working with e-learning tools, they get more opportunities to realize their creativity in the classroom, improve the perception of material by media components, to support a variety of virtual communication and discussion with students and colleagues.
Traditional examinations, which in Russia the law does not allow transfer to on-line, using e-learning may be exempt from the standard questions that have already tested during automated testing. However, in addition to insufficient funds of any e-learning project still needs a number of important conditions that determine its success. The introduction of e-learning opportunities – not just learn new tools, but also a serious alteration in the minds of both teachers and students requires appropriate incentives and support from university leadership. Needs and development of technological infrastructure, including a sufficient number of computers in personal use of teachers in order to be able to enjoy unlimited possibilities of the system, play a decisive role in it, as well as developed telecommunications transport system allows to combine all the jobs and university departments into a single network.